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Wednesday, March 5, 2014

No excuses.

I kind of hate that. I have many reasons why I don't work out, make it to the gym, do a homework assignment, or drink pop instead of water. I just don't want to sometimes, or other times life just gets in the way. I have a three year old, so doing things I had planned on doing, don't always get done. And I don't want to look at that as an excuse. Using my child as a reason to NOT do something rubs me the wrong way. I hang out with him, play with him, read to him, or just cuddle with him instead of working out, doing homework, or even going to work sometimes (sorry!), and I'd definitely rather be spending time with him instead of doing other things when I can.
But at the same time, I want to show my child that I do like to do "mommy" things like being responsible, healthy, and happy. So yes, I do make time to work out, I do make time to do homework, and I do make time to hang out with other people. Is it always easy? No, I have a lot on my plate. But every one does, that's just life.

Now that I got that off my chest, here's the real reason for my post.
I needed something quick to do during my 1 hour break from research/paper writing for my crim class. A quick workout sounded great! Although I am a member of a great gym (good life fitness, check them out!) I didn't want to trek out in the cold, with my three year old. Too much work for this stressed out mama! So I explored pinterest instead and found this "No excuses workout". Perfect!

Although it wasn't a long workout, and it wasn't even THAT hard, I was sweating by the end of it and it was 20 minutes well spent! So if you have 20 minutes RIGHT NOW to put in to something you might later put off, DO IT! Got research to do for a class? Take 20 minutes to start. Need to get a workout in? You've got 20 minutes. Haven't talked to your parents in a week? YOU'VE GOT 20 MINUTES! I know you spend 20 minutes or more doing other things that help you procrastinate (Chicago PD, holla!) but just take a break and do something you know you should be doing. You'll feel better, trust me!
P.S. I just recently bought this heart rate monitor watch! It's amazing. Tracks your heart rate, calories burned, and duration of your workout! It's really nice when you're working out and want to how many calories your burning! Get it here!

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